The Chaos to Calm Method Client Agreement

Effective date:Ā 22 January 2024

I want to CONGRATULATE you for investing in yourself and in your health in a way you may never have before.Ā 

Youā€™ll see from whatā€™s included in this program that it is designed to deliver an extremely high level of accountability, loving support and the right method, so you make empowered decisions and take bold action toward achieving your health goals.

Youā€™ll also see that the Program includes a blend of group and one-on-one coaching time, so you can accelerate your results and have lots of my health, nutrition and lifestyle savvy focused on YOU.

Saying ā€œYESā€ to this experience means showing up for yourself in a whole new way - mentally, energetically and physically.

This is the KEY to achieving everything you want. So is asking for support and being open to new ways of thinking. PLUS, being willing to follow your Personalised Nutrition Plan from Metabolic Balance to the best of your ability will ensure you get the results you want.

Are you ready?


Private 1:1 Initial In-Depth Health Assessment SessionĀ 

  • We spend time together on zoom getting a clear picture of your current health status, health history, medications, health conditions and goals, in order to create your personalised nutrition plan with Metabolic Balance HQ.Ā 
  • Youā€™ll receive your blood test referral after this session. Sometimes we may add additional testing based on what we discuss during this In-Depth Health Assessment. If there is going to be an additional cost for this, we will advise you at the time, and gain your permission to go ahead. Base level testing includes the Metabolic Balance panel (40+ markers).

Personalised Nutrition Plan from Metabolic Balance & Functional Pathology Report

  • Receive guidelines on the foods that are optimal for your metabolism to help you burn fat, increase your energy levels, balance hormones and improve general wellness. The plan is generated for you based on the results of your blood test (looking at 36+ markers) and the findings from your Initial In-Depth Health Assessment.Ā 
  • We will deliver your plan and functional pathology report to you during your Metabolic Balance Plan Presentation session, where we will ensure you are crystal clear on how to get started. (Please note this is a food-only plan, however if appropriate supplements are specifically chosen for you, these are optional and would be in addition to your initial investment.)

Weekly Group Check-In Sessions (via zoom)

  • In these group coaching sessions, weā€™ll share curated information and customised coaching exercises with the group thatĀ will accelerate your results and help you achieve major breakthroughs so you can see transformation in your body ā€“ and your life ā€“ FAST. We will cover questions about the Nutrition Plan, overcome any obstacles and support you through each phase to ensure your success. Please note there no calls held in the first full week of each month and between 20/12-7/1.Ā 

Final 1:1 Check-In Session (via zoom)

  • In this session, we check in with your progress and coach you through any challenges that may come up ā€“ whatever they may be ā€“ and how to adjust your lifestyle to you new normal, in preparation for completing the program! You also have the opportunity to ask questions and we will discuss any supplements and herbs that you may be taking or that I think will benefit your health goals.

Emergency Support Between SessionsĀ 

  • Emergencies come up, right? Thatā€™s why you have access to support via the Facebook Group or Voxer between sessions on my business days Monday to Friday. Expect a personal response from one of the team within 24-48 business hours. Please do not use SMS to my direct mobile number or Facebook/Instagram Messenger to contact me for emergency support.

Online Modules to Support and Transform Your Journey

  • This program doesnā€™t exist to give you MORE information; it exists to give you CURATED information. What that means is that you can expect information that is relevant, practical and actionable, so you are clear and confident with what to do. We will cover mindset, effective goal setting, eating psychology, self-sabotage, other motivational techniques and tools as needed, hormones, stress, sleep, self-care and more to help ensure your success. Modules will be available via the education portal hosted by Kajabi.Ā Access to your course portal expires at the end of your program time.

Private Facebook Group for Support Between Sessions

  • You will be invited to join the private Facebook group for additional support, inspiration, recipe ideas and access to me in between our coaching sessions. I will be sharing additional resources in this group, making it a highly valuable part of the program.

Program Dates:

  • The journey begins: When you receive your Metabolic Balance Nutrition Plan. Before this date, we need to make sure you have had your Initial In-Depth Heath Assessment Session, you blood test completed, you personalised nutrition plan back from Europe and ready for delivery to you.
  • The journey completes: 14 weeks from receiving your Metabolic Balance nutrition plan.


  • Initial In-Depth Health Assessment Session: This session is 45-60 minutes long, and can be booked via my online calendar:Ā 
  • Bloods need to be done at least 10 days before your Plan Presentation appointment. We will email you a request form after your intake session and recommend you go the next day to have them done.Ā 
  • Payment must be made before your Initial In-Depth Health Assessment so your blood test referral and personalised nutrition plan can be generated. Payment plans can be arranged.Ā 
  • To get the most out of your sessions, please arrive on time. We will email you a zoom link at least 2 days before allocated time and be available on Zoom at the scheduled time. Should you be late, please know that we will message you after 5 minutes and wait for 15 minutes after our scheduled time. After this your session may be forfeited. Please see the cancellation policy below.
  • It is rare for us to run late to your session. If this does occur, we will endeavour, with your permission, to extend your session time.
  • The Program expires if all sessions have not been completed within 30 days after the completion date specified above.
  • You receive 2 ā€œemergency reschedulesā€ in your Program, which means you can cancel a session within 24 hours and still reschedule the session. Any other cancelled sessions with less than 24 hours notice will be forfeited.

Coaching Commitment:

  • Once we begin our sessions, we consider ourselves to be fully committed to you and your success. We know you will be committed to you too.
  • This commitment includes you going through the entire program from start to finish, including the accompanying financial commitment.

Coaching Methods & Actions:

  • You will gain wonderful momentum in your program if you undertake the agreed actions between sessions. You agree to perform all actions set for you between sessions, and advise us with as much notice as possible if they arenā€™t going to be completed. You wonā€™t hold us responsible for not achieving (in whole or part) any of your goals, and recognise that outside of the coaching sessions, your stated actions can only be carried out by you.
  • Sometimes, coaching can ā€˜bring stuff upā€™ and you may feel a bit challenged. Feeling uncomfortable is often a perfect sign that you are releasing obstacles and limiting beliefs.
  • My request is that any concerns regarding your program and coaching be addressed directly with us, so we can be the best coaches and mentors to you accordingly, and ensure our coaching relationship is in integrity.
  • Working together, we will be able to make sure your needs are met.
  • You acknowledge that the program may be personally challenging and give rise to feelings like frustration, stress and annoyance. You wonā€™t hold us liable for any loss or cost incurred by you in the event of mental, physical or emotional stress or distress caused directly or indirectly in relation to your program and coaching sessions. You will indemnify us in the event of any such claim.

Intellectual Property:

  • Please respect our work and the time spent creating and collating the processes, techniques, presentations, methodologies and materials used by us when coaching you, outside our coaching sessions, and in the online education modules. You may not at any time reproduce materials given to you except for your own personal use.

Investment & Refunds:

  • The investment is $2197AU when paid in full. This upfront payment helps provide extra motivation for you to commit 100% - youā€™d never pay for a holiday and not show up! In the same way, this means you show up for yourself. If you have been offered a payment plan, it consists of 4 x monthly payments of $625AU, total $2500AU.Ā 
  • For US clients, or those wanting to pay in US dollars, the pay in full is $1597US or 4 monthly payments of $450US (total $1800US).
  • These prices exclude any special offers or bonuses you have been offered by Akeso Health or Sarah McLachlan.
  • Purchases of programs have a 3-day cooling off period (this agreement is accepted and your 3-day cooling off period commences at the first of either you signing your agreement to these conditions in the online intake form OR make a payment towards yourĀ program fee from). However, if your Metabolic Balance personalised nutrition plan or any associated testing included in Akeso Health's programs have been ordered, paid for, or completed; then you are not entitled to a refund for the test or Metabolic Balance plan generation. Where a credit card has been used for payment of the program fee, any fees charged to Akeso Health by EziDebit or Stripe (credit card portal) will not be refunded to you. Further, if you have used any of the consults included in the program you are not entitled to a refund for those services.
  • In the event of your absence or withdrawal, for any reason whatsoever after the cooling off period, you will remain fully responsible for the entire Program fee and any unpaid balance.
  • This policy exists for your benefit as well, as to obtain the best results you need to commit to the full program and all sessions.Ā 

Remember: change takes change.Ā 


ADDITIONAL ITEMS (the legal bits)


You (sometimes referred to herein as ā€œClientā€) understand that the information received from Akeso Health (sometimes referred to herein as ā€œCoachā€) in connection with the Program or otherwise should not be seen as medical advice and is certainly not meant to take the place of your seeing your doctor.Ā 

I encourage you to maintain a relationship with your primary care physician or doctor. In the event that you do not have one and/or do not have routine physicals, I encourage you to do so. Do not discontinue or change any treatment plan that you may be on as a result of our sessions without discussing the change with your doctor.


You acknowledge and take full responsibility for your life and well-being, as well as the lives and well-being of your family (where applicable), and all decisions made during and after the Program. In furtherance and not in limitation of the foregoing, you hereby and forever waive, release and discharge me, my heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, officers, agents, employees, representatives, executors and all others acting on their behalf (the ā€œReleased Partiesā€) from any and all claims or liabilities for injuries or damages to your person and/or property or that of your family (where applicable), including those caused by negligent act or omission of any of those mentioned or others acting on their behalf, arising out of or connected with your participation in the Program or in connection with services provided by me or the Released Parties.


This Agreement may not be modified without the prior written consent of Client and Coach. The waiver by either party of a breach, right or obligation shall not constitute a waiver of any other or subsequent breach, right or obligation. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior proposals, agreements and representations between the parties, whether written or oral, regarding the subject matter herein. Neither party may assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall benefit the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. Except as provided to the contrary herein, those provisions of the Agreement that by their nature and context are intended to survive the termination of this Agreement, shall survive any termination of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of South Australia, Australia without reference to its conflict of law provisions, and with the same force and effect as if fully executed and performed therein. Each Party hereby consents to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of the State and Federal Courts in South Australia, Australia, and acknowledges that venue is proper only in such courts.Ā 

If the terms of this Agreement are acceptable, you will sign your acceptance where provided on the online intake form. By doing so, you acknowledge that: (1) you have received a copy of this letter agreement; (2) you have had an opportunity to discuss the contents with me and, if you desire, to have it reviewed by your attorney; and (3) you understand, accept and agree to abide by the terms hereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Client and Coach agree to the terms and conditions set forth in and have duly executed this Client Commitment & Agreement effective as of the date of Clientā€™s signature on their Akeso Health Intake Form.


Please carefully review this entire disclaimer. This disclaimer contains important information, rules and disclaimers regarding your participation in the Metabolic BalanceĀ® program. Please sign with your full name and signature at the end of this disclaimer.

Certain medical studies have indicated that people weighing significantly more than their recommended weight (20 percent or more) could be at increased risk of many illnesses or diseases, including heart attacks, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, elevated cholesterol levels, kidney disease, gallbladder disease, diabetes, neurological disorders, some types of cancer and osteoarthritis.

The Metabolic BalanceĀ® program is a natural wellness and weight loss program promoting a balanced metabolism through customised personal nutritional adjustments. All aspects of the program may be adjusted by you to suit your personal circumstances, energy requirements and health status. You are advised to discuss any adjustments with your personal Metabolic Balance coach.

All foods recommended are natural. Other than recommending customary multivitamin and mineral supplements, there are no pills, powders, chemicals or medications added to your nutrition. Usually, the metabolic balanceĀ® program has no serious side effects.

However, certain health risks have been associated with weight loss. Any weight-loss program may cause conditions such as constipation, dizziness, diarrhoea, dry or cold skin, gout, hair loss, headaches, irregular/stopping of menstruation, muscle cramping, loss of lean body mass, and reduced tolerance to cold. These are just examples; other symptoms and conditions may also occur. During the program you are advised to consult with a physician and stay under medical supervision.

Typical contraindications for not being able to participate in the metabolic balanceĀ® are:

  • Pregnancy. If you become pregnant during the program, you must stop the program and can continue after the pregnancy.
  • Any other health condition or disease that may be affected adversely by weight loss.

The metabolic balanceĀ® program promotes a gentle and natural way to improve, and in some cases possibly restore, your metabolic balance, wellness and health. In the event that you are experiencing any medical problems or adverse changes in an existing medical condition, you must suspend the diet immediately, seek medical attention and notify your personal physician and your metabolic balanceĀ® consultant.

The metabolic balanceĀ® program cannot guarantee, but has shown, in certain cases, improvements in the following conditions:

  • Lowered Blood Pressure
  • Lowered Cholesterol Levels
  • Lowered Glucose Levels
  • Improved Liver functions

If you are on certain medications for the regulation of these or other medical conditions, have your physician monitor your values regularly (a weekly basis is recommended) for any needed adjustments of your medication. The metabolic balanceĀ® program is an all natural nutritional consulting program. We will not give, and you will not receive, any medical advice from metabolic balanceĀ® or any of its employees or associates.

The required lab work will not be examined for any purpose other than preparing your personal metabolic balanceĀ® nutritional plan. metabolic balanceĀ®, its employees and associates are not responsible for medical evaluation of lab values provided by you. You are advised and it is your responsibility to have your doctor evaluate your lab work to ensure proper medical evaluation.

You understand and agree that you should discuss with your GP or primary healthcare physician your intention to follow dietary changes with Metabolic Balance.

The metabolic balanceĀ® nutritional plan you will receive, is customized for your personal needs, based on your lab values. You cannot share the plan with another person, as that person will not benefit from your plan and might experience adverse results. There are no guaranteed results with Metabolic Balance. The effectiveness of dietary changes is dependent on individual health and adherence to the dietary program.

I have read, understood, and agreed to all information, rules and disclaimers contained in this document, effective as of the date of Clientā€™s signature on their Akeso Health Intake Form.



Please review it carefully. If required, contact your coach (Sarah McLachlan, Akeso Health) for further clarifications.Ā 


Metabolic BalanceĀ® is not a health plan, health care provider or medical facility but does adhere to this notice of privacy practices. This notice describes our privacy practices. All these entities, sites, and locations follow the terms of this notice. In addition, these entities, sites, and locations may share health information with each other for treatment, payment, or health care operations purposes described in this notice.Ā 


We understand that health information about you and your health care is personal. We are committed to protecting your health information. We create a record of the services you receive from us. We need this record to provide you with quality service and to comply with certain legal requirements. This notice applies to all of the records generated by this dietary advisory company to service you, whether made by your personal counsellor or others working in this office. This notice will tell you about the ways in which we may use and disclose health information about you. We also describe your rights to the health information we keep about you, and describe certain obligations we have regarding the use and disclosure of your health information.Ā 

We are required by law to:Ā 

  • Make sure that health information that identifies you is kept private;Ā 
  • Give you this notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to health information about you;Ā 
  • Follow the terms of the notice that is currently in effect.


The following categories describe different ways that we use and disclose health information. By requesting dietary advice, you give us the right to use your information for services, to get reimbursed for services rendered to you, and to operate our organization.Ā 

  • You authorize that your personal health information will be shared with Metabolic Balance GmbH, Germany, all its employees and associates to create your personal dietary plan and other uses such as quality control.Ā 

There are also various other ways in which we may use or disclose your information:Ā 

  • As required by subpoena in lawsuits and disputesĀ 
  • Various uses as required by law or to avert a serious threat to health or safetyĀ 


Other uses and disclosures of health information not covered by this notice or the laws that apply to us will be made only with your written permission. If you provide us permission to use or disclose health information about you, you may revoke that permission, in writing, at any time. If you revoke your permission, we will no longer use or disclose health information about you for the reasons covered by your written authorization. You understand that we are unable to take back any disclosures we have already made with your permission, and that we are required to retain our records of the care that we provided to you.Ā 

We may also use or disclose your personal health information for the following purposes:Ā 

  • To contact you to remind you by phone or e-mail of an appointment for treatment or to contact you by mail or e-mail of the need for you to contact us about making an appointment.Ā 
  • To contact you to describe or recommend alternative services that may be of benefit to you.

Incidental Uses and Disclosures: Incidental uses and disclosures of information may occur. An incidental use or disclosure is a secondary use or disclosure that cannot reasonably be prevented, is limited in nature, and that occurs as a by-product of an otherwise permitted use or disclosure. However, such incidental uses or disclosures are permitted only to the extent that we have applied reasonable safeguards and do not disclose any more than is necessary to accomplish the permitted use or disclosure.Ā 


You have the following rights regarding health information we maintain about you:Ā 

  • Right to inspect and copyĀ 
  • Right to amend information you have supplied to usĀ 
  • Right to an accounting of disclosuresĀ 
  • Right to request restrictionsĀ 
  • Right to request confidential communicationsĀ 
  • Right to a paper copy of this noticeĀ 

Information on how to exercise these can be obtained from your coach.Ā 

CHANGES TO THIS NOTICE: We reserve the right to change this notice.

COMPLAINTS: If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with us or with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. To file a complaint with us, contact your coach. All complaints must be submitted in writing. You will not be penalized for filing a complaint.


By signing the Akeso Health intake form and paying your program fee, you acknowledge that you have received the Akeso Health Client Agreement/Terms &Ā Conditions and the Metabolic BalanceĀ® Notice of Privacy Practices & Disclaimer (contained in this document), agree to them and hereby give your consent to participate in the Chaos to Calm Method and Metabolic BalanceĀ® program accordingly.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about The Chaos to Calm Method Client Agreement, please contact us: