HAVE LOW ENERGY LEVELS? HERE ARE 8 REASONS WHY burnout sleep stress women's health Oct 25, 2022

Are you exhausted – like, all the damn time? Low energy levels from time to time is one thing, but when it’s your permanent state, we need to look at why.

There are countless...

HAVING HOT FLUSHES? HERE IS YOUR HANDY ACTION PLAN! hormonal health perimenopause women's health Oct 11, 2022

Are hot flushes ruining your day (or your night?) You’re in good company – around 75% of women will experience hot flashes during perimenopause. For some, they can linger for months or...

THE PILL FOR PERIMENOPAUSE – WHAT’S THE DEAL? hormonal health perimenopause women's health Sep 21, 2022

Has your doctor suggested using the Pill for perimenopause management and contraception? While it’s amazing that women have more options (and legal ones at that!) for preventing pregnancy and...

PERIMENOPAUSE AND INSULIN RESISTANCE – THE CAUSE OF STUBBORN WEIGHT perimenopause weight loss women's health Jul 18, 2022

You know how as soon as you hit your 40s, weight loss becomes a thing of the past? Even when you do all the right things, it just won’t budge! One of the biggest reasons for this is the...

WHY YOU WANT TO HOLD ON TO YOUR PERIOD hormonal health perimenopause women's health May 02, 2022

Hands up if you ever wished your period just vanished? Whether you have an underlying condition, symptoms of PMS or just a heavy, painful cycle, it’s common to wish it away. But we actually...

SLEEP IN YOUR 40S – WHY IT IS VITAL FOR YOUR HEALTH (AND SANITY!) sleep women's health Mar 21, 2022

Have you been putting off sleeping properly until the kids settle into school, high school, and university… and now it’s been decades since a good night of rest? Skimping on sleep in...

WHAT’S THE REAL CAUSE OF YOUR FOOD CRAVINGS? healthy eating weight loss women's health Feb 21, 2022

Are you always at the mercy of your food cravings? Whether it’s sweet, creamy, salty or fatty that grabs your attention, cravings can feel overwhelming. But once you understand why...

FAILED YOUR RESOLUTIONS? HERE’S HOW TO REVISE THEM perimenopause women's health Feb 14, 2022

Already failed your resolutions – even though it’s only February? You’re not alone – it’s believed that 80% of people will abandon their New Years resolutions,...

WHY CALORIE RESTRICTION & CROSSFIT DON’T GIVE YOU YOUR DREAM BODY perimenopause weight loss women's health Jan 24, 2022

Tried going back to the ol kilojoule counting or crazy workout schedule – but seeing no real results? Calorie restriction and Crossfit might help some people to achieve their body goals, but...

NAVIGATING CHRISTMAS (WHEN PERIMENOPAUSE SUCKS) perimenopause women's health Nov 30, 2021

Have you noticed that navigating Christmas seems to get tougher every single year? It’s one thing to juggle it all when you’re in your 20s and 30s. But as you enter your 40s and...

10 COMMON (NOT NORMAL!) SYMPTOMS OF PERIMENOPAUSE perimenopause women's health Nov 09, 2021

As you creep into your 40s, you might see some signs and symptoms of perimenopause creep in. Everyone reassures you that it’s ‘normal’ for your pants to start digging in,...

WEIGHT GAIN IN PERIMENOPAUSE – IS IT MY HORMONES OR MY THYROID? perimenopause weight loss women's health Aug 03, 2021

A few extra kilos creeping on during your 40s is a common experience for women. But believe it or not, weight gain in perimenopause is not just ‘getting old’! In most cases, it comes...