Ever wondered about the link between your mood and your cycle? It’s not all in your head – there are very real reasons why you turn into a sobbing wreck, a ball of anxiety or a furious...
Have you noticed that overwhelmed is your default setting these days? While we can’t escape stress completely, being overwhelmed all the time is a sign that something needs some attention.
Already failed your resolutions – even though it’s only February? You’re not alone – it’s believed that 80% of people will abandon their New Years resolutions,...
Tried going back to the ol kilojoule counting or crazy workout schedule – but seeing no real results? Calorie restriction and Crossfit might help some people to achieve their body goals, but...
Have you noticed that navigating Christmas seems to get tougher every single year? It’s one thing to juggle it all when you’re in your 20s and 30s. But as you enter your 40s and...
As you creep into your 40s, you might see some signs and symptoms of perimenopause creep in. Everyone reassures you that it’s ‘normal’ for your pants to start digging in,...
With the warmer weather hitting, you’ll start to see ads everywhere telling you to do a detox, a health kick or a spring cleanse.
Spring is traditionally a time of renewal and refreshment....
Waking up in the middle of the night? Struggling to get to sleep and stay asleep? You might be dealing with perimenopausal insomnia.
It’s not uncommon to wake up in the middle of the night...
A few extra kilos creeping on during your 40s is a common experience for women. But believe it or not, weight gain in perimenopause is not just ‘getting old’! In most cases, it comes...
Breakouts are a common experience for women, particularly during times of transition. We all remember dreading pimples during puberty, but no one ever warned us about perimenopausal acne!
Are you considering embarking on a Metabolic Balance program? Because Metabolic Balance is a personalised nutrition program, there is a lot that can go on! So let me walk you through the Metabolic...
Clients come to me asking ‘why am I irritated all the time? Why do I wake up at 3am worrying about something silly? I feel overwhelmed all the time, is something wrong with me?’...